Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Signs from deceased loved ones

Signs from deceased loved ones

Hand holding the light with stars and dark night skyWhat if we get signs from deceased loved ones that they are with us non-physically, with God, the Creator, whatever you call that which we cannot see? Would those signs help you through your grief? Would you feel comfort in the knowledge that your loved one has gone back to the place from which they came before birth? Would you grieve to the same extent or would you accept that death is a part of life and that our separation is merely a physical separation?
Our beliefs
We are all subject to a belief system based on many variables, our faith, upbringing, cultural environment etc. but what is a belief?  The Oxford dictionary defines a belief as; something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion. So if that is the case, don’t we have an obligation to examine where our beliefs came from and more importantly, what we believe in terms of death and grieving?
The proof
Theologians and Scientists have and continue to debate the idea of Near Death Experiences (NDE), many theories have been written and the debate continues. There are literally thousands of accounts from people of a NDE with many commonalities in terms of experiences, these include; joy, light, a sense of peace and an overwhelming feeling of love.  I have read many books on the subject and have also spoken to someone who has had a near death experience. Whether you believe those accounts or not, for those people,  their lives are changed forever.  The gentleman that I had the pleasure of speaking to certainly convinced me, not only from his honest account but also his demeanour, his facial expressions as he described his experience.  He had an unshakable certainty about where he had been and did not care who believed him.
To have faith is to believe without proof, religions have been telling us for millenniums to accept on faith: that there is an afterlife, that there is some order and purpose to this universe, that there’s some reason and purpose for us being here in earthly life and more and more research into near death experiences are finding verification for what so many religions have been saying.
Physical Signs
Over the years I have spoken to many who feel that their loved one is with them. They cannot verbalize other than to say they have deep knowing.  Lots of people, including myself  have asked for signs and believe that they have been given those signs as I do.
So what are the most common signs? 
They come through as an animal. 
In the depths of despair having asked for a sign some people believe that our loved ones visit inside of an animal, such as a butterfly or bird.  The animal does something it usually would not do, such as land on us, peck at our window, get our attention in some way.
They place common objects 
Our loved ones like to place things over and over again in our path that were significant to them including; feathers and coins and in the most unusual and unexplainable places.
They give off fragrances. 
Some people smell their loved one, their aftershave, perfume, the fragerance of their favourite flower. Theses smells in places that there is no other explanation for them to be there.
They make songs come on at the perfect time. 
When we are thinking about our loved one their favourite song comes on the radio or a song is sent with exactly the right words that we need to hear.
They come to us in dreams. 
When we ask them, they come to us in our dreams. If you are asking them to come through a dream, make sure to ask them to wake you up after their visit so that you can remember them. People say that when they have come through a dream their loved one is smiling.
They place thoughts in our head.
They give us messages telepathically, a random thought may pop into your head for no reason on a subject that you’ve been worried about.
They play with electricity.
Many people say that they have experienced lights flicker, televisions been switched on or off, radio volumes getting louder, appliances beeping or being turned off.
The above provides a snapshot of signs, many experience other signs that have significance for them.
Belief and Faith
For those in the depth’s of despair and grief who are sceptics, non-believers, these signs are dismissed and their grief is magnified, for those who believe and have faith, these signs are gifts and provide comfort and reassurance.
I have researched for many years the areas of afterlife, NDE’s and I have experienced all of the above signs. My conclusion as result of my research;  to choose to believe,  to live my life in the knowledge that our separation from our loved ones is merely physical, I choose to believe that we will return to our creator and loved ones. I have also learned that we must honor them by living our lives in the best way that we can, (in the words of my late father), “until we meet again”.
I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences, please feel free to share your experience.
Light and love Kate.

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