Monday, October 3, 2011

Are you an Optimist or Pessimist?

From Elizabeth Scott, M.S., your Guide to Stress Management
October commemorates both "Positive Attitude Month" and "Emotional Wellness Month," which adds up to less stress. Looking on the bright side, as was mentioned in last week's newsletter, Optimism, Joy and The Bright Side, can bring greater emotional wellness and resilience, and both positive attitudes and emotional wellness are associated with reduced feelings of stress. This newsletter focuses on positive attitude development, and the next newsletter will let you know what you can to maintain emotional wellness. This is going to be an October to remember! -Elizabeth Scott

Happy Positive Attitude Month!

This is the month to examine your attitude and follow some simple steps toward a more positive attitude overall. Why? Because when we see things in a more positive light, we tend to feel more hopeful, more grateful, and most importantly, less stressed! Learn what you can do to make important attitude shifts (even if you are naturally prone to see the negative first!), and join us in celebrating Positive Attitude Month!

Q: How Does Positive Thinking Impact Stress?

Does it really matter if you look on the "bright side?" And if you force yourself to see the positive, are you just espousing an artificial view of the world? How does a positive attitude affect stress levels? Find answers to these questions--if you've wondered these things, you're not alone!--and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

See More About:  optimism  inner peace  resilience

Who's The Happiest?

What factors go into happiness, and how much of that can we change? Learn about the demographics of happiness, and see what you can do to develop your happiness level and brighten your habitual ways of thinking.

Poll: Are You An Optimist or a Pessimist?

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